Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Dear Members and Friends of ANIV,
May the winds of this joyful season bring you serenity and happiness!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

ANIV membership
Don’t forget to renew your ANIV membership!
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
A friendly reminder to renew your biannual ANIV membership!
If you attended IN-VENTO 2024 in Pisa, your membership is already renewed.
If you didn’t participate but wish to renew or join, you can find all the details here.
Thank you for your continued support!

ANIV-Award 2024
ANIV-Award 2024 has been awarded ex aequo to Stefano Brusco and Cong Chen
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi

Watch Pieter Groenemeijer’s latest ANIV-G Live Talk online now
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
If you missed Pieter Groenemeijer’s recent ANIV-G online seminar or want to dive deeper into his insights from the European Severe Storms Laboratory (ESSL), you can now watch the video recording. It’s available on the ANIV-G webpage here.

ESSL research on severe storms in Europe
Live talk by Pieter Groenemeijer (European Severe Storm Laboratory director), on Monday 22nd July, 14.30-15.30 PM CEST
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi

ANIV-G Day 2024 @ IN-VENTO Conference
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The group of young researchers within ANIV is excited to kick off the IN-VENTO 2024 conference with the ANIV-G Day.
Whether you’re an early post-doc researcher or a PhD student in the broad field of wind engineering, you can’t miss the opportunity to join the ANIV-G Day to network with your colleagues and showcase your research!
The ANIV-G Day will be on Sunday, September 8th, 2024 in Pisa.
More information about the event can be found in the flyer.
To register, you can fill out THIS form.

Hurry up! ANIV Award 2024 submission deadline is 30 June
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The Italian Association for Wind Engineering (ANIV) calls for candidatures for the ANIV Award 2024 to be remitted to a young researcher (under 35), Author of a scientific paper in the field of Wind Engineering. The candidate shall have Italian citizenship, or a PhD obtained in an Italian University.
The submission deadline is 30 June.
See the full regulation here.

2024 International Conference on Advances in Wind and Structures (AWAS24)
Seoul, August 19-22, 2024
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
We are pleased to inform that the 2024 International Conference on Advances in Wind and Structures (AWAS24) will be held during the 2024 World Congress on Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM24).
Extended deadline for submission is May 28.
Please refer to the conference website for more information.

IN-VENTO 2024: Final deadline
Final deadline for Abstract Submission: Friday, March 15, 2024
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Dear colleague,
We would like to kindly remind you that the final deadline for abstract submissions for IN-VENTO 2024 is Friday, March 15, 2024.
We cordially invite you to prepare an abstract following the instructions provided here.
Comprehensive information regarding the IN-VENTO 2024 conference and logistical details can be found here.
Looking forward to seeing you in Pisa,
Maria Vittoria Salvetti, Alessandro Mariotti and Guido Buresti
The Chairs of IN-VENTO 2024

Proceedings of IN-VENTO 2022 now available online
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The proceedings of the XVII Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering (IN-VENTO 2022) are now available online!
Please visit the book’s homepage Springer here.
Enjoy reading!

IN-VENTO2024 Call for Abstract
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Dear colleague,
it is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the next edition of IN-VENTO, the biennal International Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering (ANIV), which will be held at the University of Pisa (Italy) from September 9 to 11, 2024.
Full information about the IN-VENTO 2024 conference and practical details can be found here.
Abstract submission is now open,
so we cordially invite you to prepare an abstract following the instructions given here.
The deadline to submit abstracts is March 1, 2024.
It will be our great pleasure to welcome you in Pisa!
Maria Vittoria Salvetti, Alessandro Mariotti and Guido Buresti,
The Chairs of IN-VENTO 2024

In Memoriam: Barry Vickery
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Dear ANIV Members,
with regret, we bring you the sad news announced by Francesco Ricciardelli
It is very sad to inform the ANIV community of the passing of Barry Vickery this past weekend. He has been a master and a friend to me.
ANIV mourns one of the founding fathers of Wind Engineering.

ANIV-WES Joint Talks Trilogy
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The ANIV-WES Joint Talks organized by the Italian Association for Wind Engineering and the British Wind Engineering Society have now become a sort of well-established tradition.
Did you miss one of the past ANIV-WES Joint Talks on some of the hottest current topics in Wind Engineering?
Don’t worry, you can watch the entire trilogy at the website of the British Institution of Civil Engineers:
“Good Practice for Use of Experimental and Computational Methods for Wind Pressures on Structures and Facades”
October 1st, 2020
Luca Bruno and Andrew Allsop, chaired by @Francesco Ricciardelli
Watch here
“Wind Storm Events: their Challenges and Effects on Structure”
February 17th, 2002
Maria Pia Repetto and Mark Sterling, chaired by Francesco Ricciardelli
Watch here
“Wind Engineering the unconventional: Challenges and lessons learnt”
October 11th, 2023
Claudio Mannini and Anna Bagnara, chaired by Stefano Cammelli
Watch here
Enjoy watching them!

ANIV term 2019-2023: Final statement
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Dear Members of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering,
in December 2019 the Steering Committee of the Association appointed me as ANIV President.
You can find here the summary of the activities carried out during the mandate. It will be your task to judge the obtained results, if any.
During the last four years, I attempted to serve ANIV at least at my best, not necessarily at the absolute very best, needless to say. In the effort to achieve the goal, I set myself to follow three main guidelines:
- Permanently put ANIV in the top three of my personal to-do list.
- Continuously act in between two successive meetings of the Steering Committee to implement the decisions of the previous one, and to prepare the debate within the following one.
- Listen more than talk during the above meetings.
My personal commitment would not be enough without the encouragement of the ANIV members, the collaboration of the colleagues of the Steering Committee, and the close support of Claudio Mannini (Secretary General) and Francesco Ricciardelli (Vice President up March 2023). I thank them both for the assistance, the intelligence, and the patience they had in me. I gratefully acknowledge the valuable spirit of service paid to ANIV by some young members: the past and present promoters of the group of young researchers ANIV-G (Cristoforo Demartino, Luca Patruno, Alessio Ricci, and Federico Canepa, Giulia Pomaranzi, Lorenzo Raffaele, respectively); the past and present web-communication managers (Federico Canepa, Giulia Pomaranzi, and Niccolò Barni, Vincenzo Picozzi, respectively). I believe ANIV is indebted with them for their fruitful and continuous commitment.
Second terms are often less enthusiastic and fruitful than the first ones. Past presidents very occasionally run the risk of being awkward presences. The viability of an Association is stimulated by new ideas and continuous renewing, especially if conceived and put in place by clever, generous and motivated members. In the light of the above, I declare in advance my unwillingness to a second term, and to be part of the next ANIV Steering Committee. Of course, it will be my full responsibility to ensure a smooth and effective handover with the future President.
In 2019 I run for office to return to the Italian wind engineering community the stimuli I received as researcher during my professional life, at least in small part. Four years later, at the end of the mandate, I must confess that I failed: once more, I got more than what I gave.
Fair winds to ANIV,
Luca Bruno
ANIV past President

3rd ANIV-WES Joint Talk
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The Italian Association for Wind Engineering and the British Wind Engineering Society with the support of the British Institution of Civil Engineers, announce the next Joint Talk:
“Wind Engineering the unconventional: Challenges and lessons learned”
Online event
Wednesday, October 11th, 2023
17:00 – 18:45 CET
The event will include two talks:
Talk #1 by Claudio Mannini (University of Florence, ANIV):
“Past and present unconventional structures: two wind tunnel studies”
Claudio’s talk will highlight unconventional wind engineering features for two very different iconic structures, namely the gothic Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris (France) and the large roof of the new terminal of Rabat-Salé Airport (Morocco). In the first case, the building geometry and the strong interaction with the surrounding urban environment make inaccurate the standard pressure coefficient envelopes that may be adapted from Codes and Standards. In the second case, the complicated wavy shape, the large overhangs, and the light supporting lattice structure prevent a simple quantification of the loads and ask for potentially burdensome dynamic analyses under the wind action. For both case studies, wind tunnel tests were crucial to understand the aerodynamic behaviour of the structures and to quantify the wind loads.
Talk #2 by Anna Bagnara (NOVA Fluid Mechanics, WES):
“Small structures, bespoke and novel designs – the structural designer perspective versus the wind engineer perspective”.
Anna’s talk will provide several examples of structures that failed in wind. A mixture of small and large structures, all of which are characterized by relatively unconventional and novel designs, will be shown. Her talk will aim to answer a few questions: do structural designers have the necessary tool to safely design these structures? Are codes of practice a suitable starting point? How can structural engineers recognize wind-sensitive structures? How can they decide when to involve a wind expert? A few case studies will be shown and discussed and a strategy for improvement will be proposed.
Event is chaired by Stefano Cammelli (Director at WSP)
You can find more information and register here.
Not to be missed!
Save the date!
Book now!

ANIV-CWE about codification of CWE
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Is CWE codification needed face to its wide and increasing use within the design practice?
Can CWE be the subject of codification?
Does codification increase the risk of a non-conscious and uncritical use of CWE by practitioners?
The Special Interest Group on Computational Wind Engineering of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering (ANIV-CWE) gives its answers to these and other questions in the paper:
“Codes and standards on computational wind engineering for structural design: State of art and recent trends”
authored by: Luca Bruno, Nicolas Coste, Claudio Mannini, Alessandro Mariotti, Luca Patruno, Paolo Schito and Giuseppe Vario.
The paper is included in the Special Issue “Codification of wind loading of structures” of Wind and Structures 37(2), available here for download in Open Access.
We wish you good reading!

ANIV lands on YouTube!
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
From now on, ANIV has its own YouTube channel!
You can access it by clicking the YouTube icon in every page of the ANIV web site, or by accessing the url
You can find two playlists dedicated to the ANIV-G Live Talks and to the Solari Lectures.
Please, visit the channel, subscribe it, “Like” the videos, and share with your colleagues.
ANIV wishes you a pleasant screening!

IN-VENTO new permanent website
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Within 30+ years of activity, IN-VENTO has been the showcase of the Italian research activity in Wind Engineering, and the meeting point of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering.
The history of IN-VENTO is the collective memory of ANIV: you can find the list of past IN-VENTO editions and their docs at Link.
Future IN-VENTO editions have their new, permanent, dedicated website from now on. Visit it here!

Boost your career with MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
Live Talk by Sara Rollino (Research Manager, Politecnico di Torino) & Daniele Fiscaletti (Assistant Professor, Delft University of Technology), on June 27th, 14.30-16 PM CET
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. MSCA-PF targets researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out research activity abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers. MSCA-PF allow researchers to gain experience in other countries, disciplines and non-academic sectors, boosting their CVs. MSCA-PF are founded by EU (€260.47 million in 2023) and are open to researchers of any nationality.
The seminar will be held by Sara Rollino, Research Manager from Politecnico di Torino experienced in MSCA-PF. She will introduce MSCA-PF, proposal writing and evaluation criteria. The MSCA fellow Daniele Fiscaletti, Assistant Professor from Delft University, will showcase his success story focusing on his experience before, throughout and after his fellowship.
The Live Talk will take place on Teams platform on Tuesday, June 27th, 14.30-16 PM (CET).
If you are not an ANIV-G member, please register for free by sending us an email to Then, the link to join the webinar will be sent to you.
Click here to download the event flyer.

IN-VENTO 2024 in Pisa
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The next edition of IN-VENTO, the International Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering will take place at Università di Pisa on September 8th – 11th 2024.
The chairpersons M.V. Salvetti, A. Mariotti, G. Buresti welcome you here and on the conference website
ANIV is proud to announce the event, and is waiting for you in Pisa! Save the date!

ANIV for CTA – CWE for the design of steel structures
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The ANIV special interest group on Computational Wind Engineering ANIV-CWE will give a webinar in the framework of the Courses organized by the Italian Council for Steel Constructions (CTA) on July 6th-7th, 2023. The webinar is intended to provide to structural designers the basics of Computational Wind Engineering for a conscious and proper collaboration with CWE specialists, together with several design applications. The webinar will be held in Italian, slides will be written in English.
Save the date!
More information about the webinar here.

ICWE 2023: new deadline for abstract submission
16th International Conference on Wind Engineering (IAWE) ICWE16 - Florence/Italy, 27-31 August 2023
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Due to the many requests,
we are pleased to announce that the deadline for the submission of the extended abstracts (4 pages) has been postponed to January 22nd, 2023.
Please, also visit the ICWE website and the LinkedIn page to stay updated!
We are looking forward to welcoming You in Florence next year!
The ICWE16 Organising Committee

ICWE 2023: abstract submission is now open
16th International Conference on Wind Engineering (IAWE), Florence 2023
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
We are pleased to remind You that the submission of summary papers (extended abstracts, 4 pages) is now open under ICWE2023 website. For more details click here or visit the link.
Submission deadline: December 15th, 2022
Please, disseminate this notice amongst Your organization: we are looking forward to welcoming You in Florence next year!
The ICWE16 Organising Committee

ERIES research infrastructure network – how to apply for transnational access grants
Live talk by Gerard J. O’Reilly (IUSS Pavia, ERIES project Coordinator), on November 16th, 10-11 AM CET
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
ERIES (Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies), recently funded by the European Commission with a budget of €11.6M, provides transnational access (TA) to advanced research infrastructures. TA permits external user groups to advance frontier knowledge and conduct curiosity-driven research toward addressing the research goals of the ERIES project. TA covers the costs associated with the experimental facility, the construction of test specimens, and the travel expenses to attend the testing campaign. To this end, ERIES offers TA to the best European experimental facilities in each field, along with the provision of key facility in Canada. With 13 partners from 8 countries, ERIES builds an essential element toward reducing losses, managing risk, and overall a greener and more sustainable engineering future in Europe. This webinar gives an introduction and overview of the ERIES project in order to give ANIV-G members a clearer understanding on how they may write a proposal to apply for grants and get involved.
The talk will take place on Zoom platform on Wednesday, November 26th, 2022, 10-11 AM (CET).
If you are not an ANIV-G member, please register for free by sending us a message to Then, the link to join the webinar will be sent to you.
Chick here to download the flyer of the event.

Niccolò Barni and Federico Canepa win the Top Award!
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The jury of the ANIV Award 2022 unanimously remitted the Top Award ex aequo to:
Niccolò Barni
Time-variant self-excited force model based on 2D rational function approximation
and to:
Federico Canepa
Vertical profile characteristics of thunderstorm outflows
The paper by:
Luca Roncallo
“An evolutionary power spectral density model of thunderstorm outflows consistent with real-scale time-history records”
received a special mention.
Congratulations from ANIV!

The 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering is coming home…
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Dear friends and members of the wind engineering community,
for the first time in its 60-years history, the largest event of the International Association for Wind Engineering will be hosted in Italy (Florence, 27-31 August 2023).
ICWE16 will be a great chance for the Italian community of wind engineering to host such an important meeting, for welcoming colleagues, experts, researchers and students from all over the world. The conference will include (for the first time) Mini-symposia and Special Sessions mainly devoted to the focus of specialized and interdisciplinary topics. More than 500 participants are expected to join the ICWE16 conference, the major event of IAWE taking place after the COVID19 pandemic. For more details click here or visit the ICWE16 website.
Let’s meet in Florence to re-starting with the great tradition of ICWE conferences!
The ICWE16 Core-Group:
Claudio Borri (Chairman)
Gianni Bartoli (Co-Chairman)
Claudio Mannini (Scientific Secretariat)
Enzo Marino (Scientific Secretariat)

Solari Lecture 2022 is coming soon!
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The Italian Association for Wind Engineering (ANIV), under the umbrella of the International Association for Wind Engineering (IAWE), is pleased to share the second announcement of the Solari Lecture 2022 (download here). It includes the detailed programme, and the link to attend the lecture in streaming.
ANIV is looking forward to meeting you all in Milan!

Don’t miss the PhD session at IN-VENTO 2022 conference!
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The PhD Session organized by the Young Researchers Group of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering (ANIV-G) will take place in Milan (Lecture Hall “Carlo De Carli”, Building B9, via Durando 10 – Campus Bovisa) on 4 September 2022 from 2 p.m., in the occasion of the opening of the IN-VENTO 2022 conference (September 4-7, 2022).
Thirteen attendees will deliver a 3-minute presentation to showcase their PhD research, arouse the curiosity of the audience, and socialize in an informal environment. The top three qualified will be then awarded the opportunity to present exhaustively their research with a 30-minute presentation and celebrate with a toast!
The brochure of the PhD Session containing the detailed program can be downloaded here.
If you want to participate to the ANIV-G Meeting and PhD Session, please send an email to Please note that participation in ANIV-G Events is free.

ANIV AWARD 2022: shortlisted candidates
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The papers by:
Niccolò Barni
Time-variant self-excited force model based on 2D rational function approximation
Federico Canepa
Vertical profile characteristics of thunderstorm outflows
Luca Roncallo
An evolutionary power spectral density model of thunderstorm outflows consistent with real-scale time-history records
have been shortlisted by the Jury of the ANIV AWARD 2022. They will be presented, and the winner announced, during the international conference In-Vento 2022.

1000+ followers on LinkedIN
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Spreading Wind Engineering is one of the ANIV statutory goals.
ANIV gained 1000 followers since making its debut on LinkedIn on June 2020.
A step in the right direction.
Many thanks to the past and present young colleagues in charge of ANIV web communication.
Many thanks to the colleagues who provided good news at to fuel the ANIV posts.
Last but not least, many thanks to the ANIV followers: we hope you’ll be increasingly numerous, and we’ll be able to share with you other stimulating initiatives!
Stay connected!

ANIV at Eolica Mediterranean 2022
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The Italian Association for Wind Enigneering will attend Eolica Mediterranean 2022, the international wind energy conference and exhibition for Southern Europe and the Mediterranean that will take place on:
12-14 OCTOBER 2022
Rome Exhibition Centre | Rome – Italy
An ANIV delegate will participate the panel discussion among the windpower trade associations from South Europe and Mediterranean Sea “A Mediterranean‐wide, wind‐powered energy community”.
A great opportunity to spread the knowledge of Wind Engineering and promote networking among researchers, consultants and industries in the sector.
Join us in Rome!

ANIV-G meeting 2022
Participate at the ANIV-G meeting organized before the opening of the IN-VENTO 2022 Conference!
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The ANIV-G meeting organized by the Young Researchers Group of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering (ANIV-G) will take place in Milan (Italy) on 4 September 2022, in occasion of the opening of the IN-VENTO 2022 conference (September 4-7, 2022).
The ANIV-G meeting is intended to bring together young researchers in Wind Engineering in order to socialize in an informal environment, promote transfer of knowledge and collaboration opportunities, and discuss together the next steps within ANIV-G.
More information about the upcoming ANIV-G PhD session here.
To participate, please send an email to Please note that participation in ANIV-G PhD session is free and requires adhesion to ANIV-G.
Registration to IN-VENTO conference:

ANIV-G PhD session 2022
Showcase your research during the PhD session organized by ANIV-G before the opening of the IN-VENTO 2022 Conference!
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The PhD Session organized by the Young Researchers Group of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering (ANIV-G) will take place in Milan (Italy) on 4 September 2022, in occasion of the opening of the IN-VENTO 2022 conference (September 4-7, 2022).
Attendees will deliver a 3-minute presentation to showcase their PhD research, arouse the curiosity of the audience, and socialize in an informal environment. Top three qualified will be awarded the opportunity to present exhaustively their research with a 30-minute presentation and celebrate with a toast!
More information about the upcoming ANIV-G PhD session here. To participate, please send an email to Please note that participation in ANIV-G PhD session is free.
Registration to IN-VENTO conference:

Don’t miss the first Solari Lecture
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The Italian Association for Wind Engineering, under the umbrella of the International Association for Wind Engineering, aims at celebrating and renewing the longest lasting legacy of Giovanni Solari in innovating Wind Science and Engineering by excellent studies. The Solari Lectures are dedicated to emerging, innovative topics in and around the broad field of Wind Engineering, reviewed by excellent scholars.
The first Solari Lecture will be given by Gianluigi Rozza , Full Professor in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing at SISSA MathLab, titled “Reduced-Order Models in Wind Engineering: fundamentals and applications”. The lecture will open as pre-event the ANIV biannual International Conference on Wind Engineering IN-VENTO 2022. The lecture, free participation and free, will take place at Politecnico di Milano September 4th, 2022, 5 p.m. CET
More information here.

Wind Engineering in Cuba
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The Cuban Wind Engineering Group is hosting a workshop on wind-related disasters on November 28 – December 2, 2022.
The workshop aims to share and publicize works related to Wind Engineering and promote communication and experience exchange between actors, professionals, and Scientifics.
Information may be found in the attached flyer or provided by coordinators Patricia Martín Rodríguez and Vivian Elena Parna.

ANIV-CWE opens AIV meeting 2022
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The ANIV Special Interest Group on Computational Wind Engineering (ANIV-CWE) will open the annual meeting of the French-Belgian-Swiss Wind Engineering Association (AIV) next Wednesday, May 18th 2022 in Liège.
The AIV 2022 meeting is focused on “Les usages de la simulation numérique (CFD) en ingénierie du vent” (see LinkedIn). The ANIV-CWE opening lecture is titled “Simulation numérique d’écoulements en ingénierie du vent: modes d’emploi et dommages collatéraux”, given by L. Bruno and introduced by V. Denoel. Other talks given by C. Duprat, J. Berthaut, E. Delboulbé, G. Leturion, D. Dieu, N. Coudou, L. Patruno, T. Andrianne. More information in the meeting program (download).
A sound collaboration between AIV and ANIV on one of the hottest topics in Wind Engineering at present.

2022 International Conference on Advances in Wind and Structures (AWAS22)
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The 2022 International Conference on Advances in Wind and Structures (AWAS22) will be held during the 2022 World Congress on Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM22).
A combination of on-site and online platforms will be adopted. All participants who are not be able to travel to Korea, you can still participate via online platforms.
Four different types of participation options are available:
- real-time Zoom online presentation (based on Korean Standard Time);
- on-site physical presentation at the Global Education Center for Engineers (GECE);
- pre-recorded video or PowerPoint slide with audio;
- poster presentation.
Please refer to the Conference website for more information.

“Full-scale measurements of wind and wind loading: A renewed importance”
Live Talk by Prof. F. Lombardo (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), on March 11th, 14:30-15:30 CET
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Windstorms induce significant damage and losses worldwide. Recently, justified focus has been placed on transient winds generated from severe convective storms (e.g., thunderstorms and tornadoes) which cause a significant proportion of those impacts. Transient winds by their nature make full-scale wind speed data difficult to capture. The explosion of novel and large-scale experimental facilities and rapid advancements in computational modeling means the importance of full-scale data to validate and even strengthen these simulations is more important than ever.
The talk will take place by Teams platform on Friday, March 11th, 2022, 14:30-15:30 (CET).
If you are not an ANIV-G participant, please register by sending us a message to specifying your given and family names from an address linked to your Microsoft Teams account.
Flyer of the event: Webinar F. Lombardo

ASCE Nathan M. Newmark Medal conferred to Giovanni Solari
Posted on by Federico Canepa
Giovanni Solari will be posthumously honoured by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) by the Nathan M. Newmark Medal during the Engineering Mechanics Conference in Baltimora (May 31-June 3, 2022). Giovanni Solari will receive the Medal for “outstanding contributions to wind engineering and their impact on structural engineering and mechanics.”
The Italian Association for Wind Engineering is proud for the umpteenth prestigious award attributed to one of its founding fathers and past Presidents.

ANIV Young Author Award 2022
Call for candidatures is now open!
Posted on by Federico Canepa
ANIV is calling for candidatures for the ANIV Award 2022, to be remitted to a young researcher, Author of a scientific paper in the broad field of Wind Engineering, and published in an international journal from January 1st, 2020 to December 31st, 2021. Candidatures should be submitted no later than June 30th, 2022.
For details of the Award rules and submission process, please refer to the AWARD page of the ANIV website.

2nd ANIV-WES joint web event
M.P. Repetto & M. Sterling will be the speakers of the talk scheduled on February 17, 16:30 CET
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The Italian Association for Wind Engineering, together with the British Wind Engineering Society and with the support of the British Institution of Civil Engineers, announces the WEB event “Wind Storm Events: Their challenges and effects on structures” that will be held on Thursday, February 17, 16:30 CET.
The event will touch upon measuring wind storms and the issues this cause around Europe as well as examining and scaling potential issues these might cause.
Event chaired by F. Ricciardelli (University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”)
M.P. Repetto (University of Genova, ANIV), “Wind storms – what can we measure on the field?”
M. Sterling (University of Birmingham, WES) (Politecnico di Torino, ANIV), “Modelling wind storms – what do we actually know?”
Further information can be found here
To book and participate, click here

Proceedings of IN-VENTO 2018: a global readership
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The proceeding of the XV Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering (IN-VENTO 2018) is being accessed by a global readership. Since publication, the book has reached a total of 43015 chapter downloads!
If you are interested in, please visit the book’s homepage @Springer. Enjoy reading!

“Material barriers to the transport of momentum and vorticity in turbulence”
Live Talk by Prof. G. Haller (ETH Zürich), on June 25th, 15-16 p.m. CET
Posted on by Federico Canepa
Nonlinear dynamics plays a crucial role in Wind Engineering and the advent of CFD now easily allows to visualize flows in a detailed and possibly intuitive manner, even in the most complex cases. Unfortunately, the intuition we can obtain from CFD data visualization is often only qualitative and the definition itself of coherent structures, often used to describe vortices, falls short under careful scrutiny. In this seminar, Prof. Haller will provide us a gentle introduction to the formulation of observer-independent definitions of coherent structures, so guiding us in a re-examination of our intuitive understanding of vortical motion and dynamics.
The talk will take place by Teams platform on Friday, June 25th, 2021, 15:00-16:00 (CEST).
If you are not an ANIV-G participant, please register by sending us a message to specifying your given and family names from an address linked to your Microsoft Teams account.
Flyer of the event: Webinar G. Haller

In Memoriam of Giovanni Solari
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The Research Group in Wind Engineering and Structural Dynamics of the University of Genoa is organizing an online event in memory of our dear Prof. Giovanni Solari on
April 19th, 2021, at 2 pm (Italian time),
5 months after his death.
The meeting is not of a scientific nature, and will only include personal testimonies.
The event will be visible on YouTube at the following link (already active).
Participation is free, during the open event it will be possible to write memories on the YouTube chat.

MYOC BARC webApp online
ANIV proudly announces this interactive tool to surf BARC results
Posted on by BARC organizing committee
12 years later BARC launching, a new web app is available to collect, postprocess and compare the large amount of scientific results obtained by the international community on the BARC flow. BARC-MYOC (Make Your Own Comparison) is available here.
Enjoy using it!

Seminar on Scientific and Technical Publishing
Live Talk by Prof. T. Stathopoulos (Concordia University), on February 12th, 15-16 CET
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The seminar is based on the presenter’s experience as Editor of an international Elsevier journal, the journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Useful bibliographic parameters, including the impact factor will be presented and discussed. The entire publication process from the submission to the final disposition of a paper will be demystified. The peer-review process with its difficulties will be analyzed.
The workshop may be very beneficial to post-graduate students, researchers and junior Assistant Professors, who quite often struggle with their journal publications and make regretful mistakes that are totally avoidable.
The talk will take place by Teams platform on Friday, February 12th, 2021, 15:00-16:00 (CET).
If you are not an ANIV-G participant, please register by sending us a message to specifying your given and family names from an address linked to your Microsoft Teams account.
Flyer of the event: Webinar_Stathopoulos

Watch the video of the last ANIV-WES joint webinar
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The video of the last ANIV-WES joint webinar “Good Practice for use of Experimental and Computational Methods for Wind Pressures on Structures and Facades” is now available online at ICE website.
You can find the video here: enjoy watching it!

A piece of ANIV in the 4th International Wind Engineering Seminar
Luca Caracoglia and Claudio Mannini will give a talk during the IAWE Seminar on "Developments in Bridge Aerodynamics"
Posted on by Federico Canepa
During the next International Wind Engineering Seminar organized by the University of Birmingham and sponsored by IAWE, two out of five invited speakers will be active members of ANIV, which confirms the international recognition of the Association. The seminar, which will be held on January 7th, 2021 at 13.00 (CEST), will focus on “Developments in Bridge Aerodynamics”. The two ANIV speakers will be Luca Caracoglia (North Eastern University, Boston, USA, “Relevance of Uncertainty Quantification to Study Wind Load Variability and its Effects on Long-Span Bridge Aeroelasticity”) and Claudio Mannini (University of Florence, Italy, “Nonlinear modelling of self-excited forces for a long-span bridge under turbulent wind”), while the other invited speakers of the seminar will be John Owen (main speaker), Steve Cai and Ole A. Øiseth.
The registration link for the seminar can be found at: registration_link
Further details, including the abstracts of the talk and the biographical details of the speakers, can be found at: talk_details

“The fascinating challenges of bluff-body aerodynamics”
Live Talk by G. Buresti, on October 29th, 10-11 a.m. CET
Posted on by Federico Canepa
Bluff-body aerodynamics is a complex and intriguing field from both the research and engineering points of view. Prof. Guido Buresti (University of Pisa, University of Genova), will introduce the ANIV Young Researchers to such a fascinating world. Flow fields around bluff bodies, aerodynamic forces on them, aeroelastic phenomena and flow-control strategies will be discussed, and open research topics will be outlined by one among the major protagonists of Bluff-Body Aerodynamics worldwide.
The talk will take place by Teams platform on Thursday, October 29th, 2020, 10:00-11:00 (CEST).
If you are not an ANIV-G participant, please register by sending us a message to specifying your given and family names from an address linked to your Microsoft Teams account.

Ph.D. session @ IN-VENTO 2020 online event
Great success of the event organized by ANIV-G within the One-Day IN-VENTO 2020 online event
Posted on by Federico Canepa
During the last One-Day On-Line Event IN-VENTO 2020, a session devoted to Ph.D. students was organized by ANIV-G. ANIV-G is the group of young researchers within ANIV. Its goal is to promote cooperation in the Wind Engineering discipline, ease the exchange of ideas, support the spreading of knowledge, and favor contamination with other scientific communities.
The spirit of the Ph.D. session was to learn about each other’s research projects and encouraging collaboration. Seven high-quality presentations were given by young researchers, covering several aspects associated with Wind Engineering and highlighting challenges in investigating new topics. The session was followed by an average of 90 attendees, with about 45 members affiliated to ANIV-G. During the session, the QA sessions were opened by the audience providing interesting stimulus for new research ideas. The great success of this event strengthens the motivation of ANIV-G in further networking researchers and practitioners dealing with wind engineering applications worldwide.

ANIV-WES joint web event
A. Allsop & L. Bruno will be the speakers of the event scheduled on October 1
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The Italian Association for Wind Engineering, together with the British Wind Engineering Society, announces the WEB event “Good Practice for use of Experimental and Computational Methods for Wind Pressures on Structures and Facades” that will be held on Thursday, October 1, 5pm CET.
The event is aimed at discussing aspects related with the use of Wind Tunnel tests and CFD simulations to support wind-resistant structural design, both tools being now introduced in Codes of Practice as an option to supplement data included in the Code or available from the scientific and technical literature.
Event chaired by F. Ricciardelli (Univ. Campania “L. Vanvitelli”)
A. Allsop (Arup, WES), “Derivation of Design Wind Pressures using Experimental Methods – A history of good practice”
L. Bruno (Politecnico di Torino, ANIV), “CWE for design: instruction for use and side effects”
Further information may be found at:
To book and participate:

ANIV AWARD 2020 remitted
Lorenzo Raffaele wins the Top Award!
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The jury of the ANIV Award 2020 unanimously remitted the Top Award to Lorenzo Raffaele ( for the paper Windblown sand action on civil structures: Definition and probabilistic modelling (
The papers by
– Andrea Giachetti (, Two-dimensional study of a rectangular cylinder with a forebody airtight screen at a small distance (
– Tommaso Massai (, The effect of angle of attack on flow-induced vibration of low-side-ratio rectangular cylinders (
received special mentions.
Congratulations from ANIV!

ANIV AWARD 2020: Shortlisted candidates
The winner will be announced at the In-Vento 2020 online event on September 7th, 2020
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The papers by
- Andrea Giachetti ( Two-dimensional study of a rectangular cylinder with a forebody airtight screen at a small distance (
- Tommaso Massai ( The effect of angle of attack on flow-induced vibration of low-side-ratio rectangular cylinders (
- Lorenzo Raffaele ( Windblown sand action on civil structures: Definition and probabilistic modelling (
have been shortlisted by the Jury of the ANIV AWARD 2020 ( They will be presented, and the winner announced, during the In-Vento 2020 online event ( on September 7th, 2020.

Online-September 7, 2020
Posted on by ANIV Steering Committee
Due to the Covid-19 contingencies, a one-day online event will replace the forthcoming Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering, scheduled for September 7th 2020. As in the past meetings, the online event will be aimed at offering prospects for young researchers in Wind Engineering in Italy and abroad.
More information at
The next IN-VENTO Conference will be held in Lecco, in 2022 hosted by Politecnico di Milano, and chaired by Alberto Zasso

ANIV Young Author Award 2020
Call for abstracts
Posted on by ANIV Steering Committee
ANIV is calling for candidatures for ANIV Award 2020, to be remitted to a young researcher, Author of a scientific paper in the broad field of Wind Engineering, and published in an international journal from Jan 1st 2018 to Dec 31st 2019. Candidatures should be submitted no later than June 30th 2020.
For details of the Award rules and submission process, please refer to the AWARD page

H2020 MSCA/IFs to Italian Wind Engineers
Individual Fellowship 2019
Posted on by ANIV Steering Committee
Two ANIV members are the recent recipients of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Individual Fellowship 2019, under the Excellence Pillar of the Horizon 2020 EU research programme:
– Francesco Petrini (Università di Roma La Sapienza), for the project: Smart Tall Buildings by using Piezoelectricity in Joints (SMART-UP) at Swansea University (UK);
– Lorenzo Raffaele (Politecnico di Torino), for the project: Hybrid Performance Assessment of Sand Mitigation Measures (HyPer SMM) at von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (BE).
-ANIV warmly congratulates Francesco and Lorenzo for such a brilliant result, that recognizes their past achievements, and future scientific potential.
More information here