3rd ANIV-WES Joint Talk
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi

The Italian Association for Wind Engineering and the British Wind Engineering Society with the support of the British Institution of Civil Engineers, announce the next Joint Talk:
“Wind Engineering the unconventional: Challenges and lessons learned”
Online event
Wednesday, October 11th, 2023
17:00 – 18:45 CET
The event will include two talks:
Talk #1 by Claudio Mannini (University of Florence, ANIV):
“Past and present unconventional structures: two wind tunnel studies”
Claudio’s talk will highlight unconventional wind engineering features for two very different iconic structures, namely the gothic Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris (France) and the large roof of the new terminal of Rabat-Salé Airport (Morocco). In the first case, the building geometry and the strong interaction with the surrounding urban environment make inaccurate the standard pressure coefficient envelopes that may be adapted from Codes and Standards. In the second case, the complicated wavy shape, the large overhangs, and the light supporting lattice structure prevent a simple quantification of the loads and ask for potentially burdensome dynamic analyses under the wind action. For both case studies, wind tunnel tests were crucial to understand the aerodynamic behaviour of the structures and to quantify the wind loads.
Talk #2 by Anna Bagnara (NOVA Fluid Mechanics, WES):
“Small structures, bespoke and novel designs – the structural designer perspective versus the wind engineer perspective”.
Anna’s talk will provide several examples of structures that failed in wind. A mixture of small and large structures, all of which are characterized by relatively unconventional and novel designs, will be shown. Her talk will aim to answer a few questions: do structural designers have the necessary tool to safely design these structures? Are codes of practice a suitable starting point? How can structural engineers recognize wind-sensitive structures? How can they decide when to involve a wind expert? A few case studies will be shown and discussed and a strategy for improvement will be proposed.
Event is chaired by Stefano Cammelli (Director at WSP)
You can find more information and register here.
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