Seminar on Scientific and Technical Publishing

Live Talk by Prof. T. Stathopoulos (Concordia University), on February 12th, 15-16 CET

Posted on by Federico Canepa

The seminar is based on the presenter’s experience as Editor of an international Elsevier journal, the journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Useful bibliographic parameters, including the impact factor will be presented and discussed. The entire publication process from the submission to the final disposition of a paper will be demystified. The peer-review process with its difficulties will be analyzed.

The workshop may be very beneficial to post-graduate students, researchers and junior Assistant Professors, who quite often struggle with their journal publications and make regretful mistakes that are totally avoidable.

The talk will take place by Teams platform on Friday, February 12th, 2021, 15:00-16:00 (CET).

If you are not an ANIV-G participant, please register by sending us a message to specifying your given and family names from an address linked to your Microsoft Teams account.

Flyer of the event: Webinar_Stathopoulos

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