“The fascinating challenges of bluff-body aerodynamics”
Live Talk by G. Buresti, on October 29th, 10-11 a.m. CET
Posted on by Federico Canepa

Bluff-body aerodynamics is a complex and intriguing field from both the research and engineering points of view. Prof. Guido Buresti (University of Pisa, University of Genova), will introduce the ANIV Young Researchers to such a fascinating world. Flow fields around bluff bodies, aerodynamic forces on them, aeroelastic phenomena and flow-control strategies will be discussed, and open research topics will be outlined by one among the major protagonists of Bluff-Body Aerodynamics worldwide.
The talk will take place by Teams platform on Thursday, October 29th, 2020, 10:00-11:00 (CEST).
If you are not an ANIV-G participant, please register by sending us a message to giovaniingegnerivento@gmail.com specifying your given and family names from an address linked to your Microsoft Teams account.