PhD position in CWE
Open position in Computational Wind Engineering at Politecnico di Torino
Posted on by ANIV Steering Committee

Are you looking for a PhD position on Computational Wind Engineering?
The Computational Wind Engineering group at Politecnico di Torino is looking by March 2023 for a brilliant candidate with a strong background in computational fluid dynamics, and/or applied mathematics, and/or civil or environmental engineering.
The Research Programme aims at mitigating the vulnerability of wind-exposed infrastructure through the conceptual design and performance assessment of natural and bio-inspired mitigation measures. Research activities will be pursued by computational simulations adopting a multiphysics modelling that includes wind fluid dynamics, mechanics of porous media, wind effects on natural and man- built structures. The project will be founded within the framework of the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR 2021) by European Commission, NextGeneration EU programme.
The Departments of Architecture and Design (Luca Bruno, Lorenzo Raffaele) and of Mathematical Sciences (Luigi Preziosi) will ensure the complementary and interdisciplinary competences needed to achieve the objectives of the project.
You can find detailed information in the attached summary of the project.
Please, contact us (,, if you want more information and for expression of interest. Further information will be available as soon as the PhD position is open.