Ph.D. course on “Introduction to Wind Science and Engineering”
The course will be given by Prof. Luca Caracoglia from June 7th to June 28
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi

The University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ is pleased to announce the PhD Course on “Introduction to Wind Science and Engineering”. The lectures will give by Prof. Luca Caracoglia from Northeastern University (USA) at the Engineering Department in Aversa, Caserta.
The course will present the latest developments in the field of fluid-structure interaction in wind engineering and risk analysis, and “resilience” due to wind hazards.
Course modules will focus on wind science and engineering for the modelling of the wind fields and the solution of problems related to the effects of windstorms on the built environment. Dynamic analysis methods will be presented and applied to the structural response under random wind loads. Applications will discuss fluid-structure interaction problems and probability principles related to the design of long-span bridges and tall buildings.
Further details can be found here.