ANIV .edu in a nutshell
ANIV.edu aims at promoting the education and the spread of knowledge in the field of Wind Engineering among students, researchers and professionals.
ANIV.edu activities include the organization and promotion of Seminars, Courses and Advanced Schools, at national and international level, aimed at the dissemination of wind-related topics and the growth of the Wind Engineering community.
Active Participants
Massimiliano Burlando
Università di Genova
Massimiliano obtained a MSc in Environmental Sciences and a PhD in Geophysics at the University of Genoa. He is currently associate professor of atmospheric physics at the University of Genoa, where he teaches Atmospheric Physics, Meteorology and Climatology, and Probabilistic Methods for Civil and Environmental Engineering. Currently, his main research interests are in atmospheric boundary layer meteorology and thunderstorm dynamics.
Sara Muggiasca
Politecnico di Milano
Sara obtained a MSc in Mechanical Engineering in 2002 and a PhD in Mechanical System Engineering in 2006 at Politecnico di Milano. She is currently a Researcher of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and she teaches Applied Mechanics at the Batchelor of Biomedical Engineering. Her research activity is mainly related to experimental wind engineering applications, experimental studies on vortex shedding from bluff bodies, yacht sails optimization and Wind Energy. She is currently involved in EU projects in the Floating Offshore Wind Turbine development field.
Daniele Rocchi
Politecnico di Milano
Daniele graduated at Politecnico di Milano in 1999 in Mechanical Engineering. He has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and he is currently a Full Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. He teaches Applied Mechanics at the Batchelor of Mechanical Engineering, Machine Dynamics at the Master of Science of the Civil Engineering and some modules of the Wind Engineering MS Course. The research activity in the wind engineering field is mainly focused on wind-structure interaction and wind-vehicle interaction using both experimental and numerical approaches. He is author of more than 40 papers on international journals and of more than 100 contributions on international conferences. He is member of the Scientific board of the Politecnico di Milano Wind Tunnel, head of the PhD Programme in Mechanical Engineering, Rector’s delegate for corporate relations, member of the CEN working group on “Railway aerodynamics”, Member of the Board of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering (ANIV).
Ilaria Venanzi
Università di Perugia
Ilaria obtained a MSc in Civil Engineering and a PhD in Civil Engineering at University of Perugia. She is currently Associate Professor at University of Perugia, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, where she teaches Retrofitting of Structures and other B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D. courses related to Structural Design. Her research interests in the field of wind engineering are mainly on aerodynamics and optimization of tall buildings, performance-based design and life-cycle cost analysis of high-rise structures. She also conducts research on structural control and health monitoring. She received the Best Paper Award of the IOMAC (International Operational Modal Analysis Conference) in 2019.
Here you can find a summary of past and present training activities on Wind Engineering in Italy
⥤ Advanced Schools

CISM, Udine September 1998: International Advanced School
Wind Resistant Design of Structures: Codified and Advanced Methods
Coordinator: G. Augusti.

Università di Genova, June 2000: International specialisation course
Wind-Excited and Aeroelastic Vibrations of Structures
Coordinator: G. Solari.

Università di Genova, Spring 2021 International Advanced School
Thunderstorm Outflows and their Impact on Structures
Coordinator: G. Solari.
⥤ PhD Courses

Politecnico di Torino, from academic year 2013/2014 to 2017/18
Computational Wind Engineering
Taught by L. Bruno.

Politecnico di Milano, June-July 2015 and 2016
Atmospheric Boundary Layer: Fundamental Physics and Modeling
Taught by C. Gorlé (2015), and V. Iungo (2016)

Università di Roma La Sapienza, Sept 2017
Design of Wind-excited Civil Structures: Phenomenological Basis, Performances Assessment, Solutions and Case Studies
Coordinators: L. Bruno and F. Petrini. (picture below)

⥤ Master degree courses

Università di Genova: since 2000-01
Wind Engineering
Master Course in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Presently the course is taught by G. Solari, M. P. Repetto and G. Piccardo (in Italian or, if requested, in English)

University of Naples Federico II: 2006-07
Fundamentals of Wind Engineering
Master Course in Civil Engineering
Taught by F. Ricciardelli (in English)

Università “Mediterranea” di Reggio Calabria: from 2001 to 2012
Wind Engineering
Master Course in Civil Engineering
Taught by F. Ricciardelli

Università di Firenze: since 2004-05
Wind Engineering
Master Course in Civil Engineering
Presently the course is taught by G. Bartoli and C. Mannini (in Italian).

Politecnico di Milano: since 2010-11
Wind Engineering
Master Course in Mechanical Engineering
Presently the course is taught by G. Diana (in English)

Politecnico di Torino, since 2010-2011
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Computational Wind Engineering
Master Course in Mathematical Engineering.
Presently the course is taught by L. Bruno, together with C. Canuto (Numerical analysis) and D. D’Ambrosio (Aeronautical Engineering) (in Italian)

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), 2006-07
Wind Engineering of Structures
Taught by F. Ricciardelli (in English)

Northeastern University: since 2005 (every two years)
Wind Engineering
Master and PhD Course in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Presently the course is taught by L. Caracoglia