")]; $bad2 = $counts[ord("<")]; $bad3 = $counts[ord("|")]; if ($bad1 != 0 || $bad2 != 0 || $bad3 != 0) { // $badchar = 1; } } if ($badchar != 1) { //////////////////////////////// // This will catch if someone is trying to submit a blank // or incomplete form. //////////////////////////////// $surname=$_POST["surname"]; $name=$_POST["name"]; $affiliation=$_POST["affiliation"]; $affiliation_type=$_POST["affiliation_type"]; $email=$_POST["email"]; $address=$_POST["address"]; $country=$_POST["country"]; $phone=$_POST["phone"]; $fax=$_POST["fax"]; $coworkers=$_POST["coworkers"]; if ($name && $surname && $email && $affiliation && $affiliation_type && $address && $country && $phone && $fax && $phone !="+xx-xxx-xxxxxxx" && $fax !="+xx-xxx-xxxxxxx") { if(chkEmail($email)) { //////////////////////////////// // This is the registration code //////////////////////////////// mysql_connect("","Sql1426292","e5833162ji") or die("Unable to connect to SQL server"); mysql_select_db("Sql1426292_1") or die("Unable to select database"); $query = "INSERT INTO barc_registered "; $query .= "(id, name, surname, affiliation_type, affiliation, address, country, phone, fax, email, coworkers, registration_date) "; $query .= "values(0,'$name', '$surname', '$affiliation_type', '$affiliation', '$address', '$country', '$phone', '$fax', '$email', '$coworkers', NULL)"; mysql_query($query) or die("Insert Failed!!!!!"); $to = "$email"; $headers = 'From: BARC Organizing Committee ' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: barc@aniv-iawe.org' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Bcc: mami@unipg.it,barc@aniv-iawe.org' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $subject = "Registration to BARC"; $databaseinfo = "The following information were successfully stored in the BARC database\n\n"; $databaseinfo .= "Surname: " . ucwords(strtolower($surname)) . "\n"; $databaseinfo .= "Name: " . ucwords(strtolower($name)) . "\n"; $databaseinfo .= "Affiliation: $affiliation \n"; $databaseinfo .= "Affiliation type: $affiliation_type \n"; $databaseinfo .= "Address: $address \n"; $databaseinfo .= "Country: $country \n"; $databaseinfo .= "Phone: $phone \n"; $databaseinfo .= "Fax: $fax \n"; $databaseinfo .= "e-mail: $email \n"; $databaseinfo .= "co-workers: $coworkers \n\n"; $message = "\nThank you for registering to the BARC web site \n\n"; $message .= "$databaseinfo"; $message .= "You allow to use this information for the sole activities of the benchmark"; $message .= " and you will receive shortly username and password to login to the member area for upload/download results and pubblications.\n\n"; $message .= "If you do not authorize the use of your information please reply to this email asking to be cancelled from the database.\n\n"; $message .= "Best regards,\nThe BARC Organizing Committee"; mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); ?> BARC - Registration completed successfully

Registration completed successfully

You will be redirected to the BARC home page
and you will receive a message to the
e-mail address you just submitted.


Fill the form and register to BARC in order to be able to access the complete results database and/or to access your personal upload area to submit the results you obtained. An e-mail will be sent to the address specified below with your username and password.

Registration Form
Contact person
type of affiliation
telephone number
fax number
Working team
surnames of the co-workers (delimited by a comma)
All fields are mandatory but the "Working team"
alert('$msg');"; } else if ($badchar == 1){ $msg="SPECIAL CHARACTERS ARE NOT ALLOWED!"; echo ""; } else if ($wrong_email == 1) { $msg="INVALID E-MAIL ADDRESS!"; echo ""; } ?>